The NAO robot, made by Aldebaran Robotics, is a platform created to play during the Robocup. Not only does it play soccer, but it has a on board computer that is fully programmable, and an assortment of sensors including an inertial sensor in the case it falls over, a tactile sensor for human interaction, two cameras enable it to accurately track objects. The NAO is also able to communicate to other NAO’s through wifi, infrared, or through voice. Being fully programmable, the NAO robot is perfect for educational and developer programming, as it can perform so many cool things, such as dancing, and playing soccer. Today, there are over 1500 NAO\’s being used as platforms for education and development.

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the way it stands up and bends down is so cute
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[…] robot is called MEDi, a NAO robot owned and programmed by researchers at the University of Calgary. The robot greets children […]