Have you ever been in the kitchen, slicin’ and dicin’, and just wondered to yourself, “Man, this experience would be so much better if I had some Bee Gees and automatic knives!” Well, look no further!
Created by Niel Mendoza, the Electric Knife Orchestra consists of 16 knives and 1 meat cleaver, which combine to make 6 different musical “instruments”, through which the Bee Gees’ 1977 hit Stayin’ Alive is played. The orchestra is also made possible by an Arduino, stepper motors, with music arranged in Logic. The Jacob’s Ladder(shown below) uses a rely controlling 3 machines connected to solenoids and car door lock actuators and a 12,000V neon sign transformer.

Jacob’s Ladder with Knives
So now this musical group can stay as an art masterpiece, or slaughterhouses and kitchens around the world have some catching up to do, both in productivity, and in entertainment.