This year’s Maker Faire saw a variety of colorful inventions, and this one robot was definitely a cool centerpiece. It looks like a possessed dome on legs, but it gets even cooler than that.
To tell the truth, this robot doesn’t seem to have as much bite as its bark. It inches along at 0.02 miles per hour. Not exactly the amazing hulk that will chase people down during the apocalypse. But this ball-on-legs is cool on its own right.
The vehicle itself consumes 800 watts of power, carrying its 1,800 lbs of weight. The creator, welder Scott Parenteau, says that he’s always had an obsession with domes, and the geodesic dome is the easiest to build with metal, because it’s easy to put together and to deal with as a whole. The 12 legs on the other hand, move slowly but very smoothly, so if you just want to stroll around and take a look, this robot’s the way to go.
Just don’t really expect it go anywhere anytime soon.