Firefighting is one of the most dangerous jobs out there. Every year, tens of hundreds of firefighters lose their lives putting out fires, and still there are many who suffer greatly from unsuccessful firefighting.
The first robot firefighter is trying to solve or alleviate this issue. Called Thermite and made by Howe and Howe Technologies, this robot can put out fires in a hurry.
Thermite is pretty big, almost 4.5 feet in height, and can pump out 600 gallons of liquid per minute. What’s more, it’s incredibly versatile, and can control water flow very well, deal with chemical, nuclear, or just regular fires, and can be remotely operated from over a quarter of a mile away. That first makes firefighting a safer job, and second deals with fire in an efficient way.
So Thermites main goal is to decrease exposure to fire. It may cost significantly, as many things do, and it may not be as intelligent as the next human over, but it makes the world safer and that’s what counts.