Imagine if a robot that looked something like a snake was making it’s way through your intestines and vital organs. It’s not the prettiest thought, but it just might become reality very, very soon.
Developed at Carnegie Mellon University, this robot snake is equipped with a powerful camera, multiple sensors, and tools that allow it to move through an animal with less intrusion than regular surgery. This will hopefully make surgery easier and better for a patient, and lower costs by making complex surgeries simpler. So far, scientists and doctors have used the snake robot to perform surgery on hearts, prostate cancer, and other diseased organs.
The future is bright: hopefully, the size of such robots will get smaller and smaller, and become the rumored “nanobots.” These will be able to perform surgery with almost no extra damage and the least intrusion, improving safety and efficiency.

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[…] and smooth movement, have been the inspiration for useful robots all around. For example, this little robot. But now, scientists at Carnegie Mellon’s Biorobotics Lab have taken it a step further with a […]