Yeah, yeah, I know…I’m late to the Tesla hype train. Sorry, I’ve been a little busy.
Disclaimer aside, with the recent addition of the Model 3 to the family, Tesla’s S.3.X-y lineup is now complete. First came the Model S, then X, and now the more wallet friendly Model 3. Some of you might just know that Teslas are all-electric, but might now know much beyond that, so let’s take a look at how and why these cars are being dubbed as the future or automobiles.
First, let’s take a look at a Tesla car’s biggest selling point; being 100% electric. The Model S, 3, and X all use specially designed and manufactured brushless motors, powered by a battery of up to 90 kWh. These motors provide torque instantaneously, and races off the line faster than a Lamborghini Aventador. The motors are expected to last over 200,000 miles. The large battery packs are also tucked low into the car’s drivetrain to lower the center of gravity, is able to be swapped out easily as well, and gives each Tesla a range of over 200 miles per charge.
Now, we can take a look at some extra features and amenities that make Tesla cars so great. Each model Tesla comes with a 15+ inch center dashboard touchscreen that controls all of the car’s features, moving the seats, climate control, and even BIOWEAPON DEFENSE MODE. While most people don’t exactly see a point to this, it’s pretty exciting. Now you don’t have to smell manure as you’re driving through the farmland on Highway 5! (I have a sensitive nose…this is a real issue). Now you might be thinking to yourself, “This site is called ‘Because Robots’, this isn’t a robot!’ Yes, you’re right, it’s not, but it might as well be considered one. Why? Autopilot mode. This car literally drives itself. Sensors in the car can sense when cars are getting too close to you, and cameras can read and follow the lines on the ground.
Ok, this post is getting long.
Now that we’ve established Teslas as basically being fully fledged robots, here’s a list of more cool things. Falcon Wing Doors. Ludicrous Mode, the Summon Feature, Self Parking…
All this is excluding the Tesla’s first car, the Roadster and the innovations like the Tesla Superchargers and Tesla Powerwall. And as electric and autonomous vehicles start to take over and eliminate the need for human drivers, it’s nice to know that the proliferation at least started with something human…S.3.X.

Seriously… how can you be so sure of this??
Question… have you tried any other blog platform before…?
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