Tired of waiting those two excruciatingly long days for your Amazon Prime packages to arrive? Well, fear no more (in a year or so)! Amazon has recently (Dec. 2013) released a new idea, revolutionizing the way we receive our packages.
Gone will be the days of the delivery-man, for the days of the octo-copters will take over. Via these autonomous drones, Amazon’s CEO Jeff Bezos hopes that the company will be able to deliver packages into customers hands within 30 minutes of the time they place an order. These drones, after picking up the package, locates its destination using GPS, dropping the package at the doorstep.
But the future will take some time to arrive, and it’s not because of technology capabilities. “The hardest challenge in making this happen is demonstrating to the standards of the FAA that this is a safe thing to do. This is years of additional work at this point,” Bezos said. Amazon hopes that the FAA rules will be made in 2015 so they can get the drones up in the sky.
While this does seem like something out of the Jetsons, Bezos is confident in Amazon Prime Air’s success. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.