Most of us have been there; struggling to finish that paper right before class just to realize that you have nowhere to print it. Fortunately, PocketPrinter can change all that. Designed by ZUtA Labs, based in Jerusalem, Isreal, the PocketPrinter can be plugged into any device (smartphone, tablet, or laptop), and can print on any-sized paper.
The PocketPrinter is essentially a print-head on a tiny set of wheels, whose design allows it to race across the page, making it truly the smallest a printer can be. The printer is also fitted for everyday use; it has a rechargeable battery with an on/off switch, and can connect directly to and charge from any device via USB. The printer can run for an hour straight on a full charge, and the inkjet lasts for over 1,000 printed pages.
Although this version of the printer does not yet have stabilizing sensors, it was designed in such a comprehensive manner so that the user can place the printer on the top of the page and guarantee an accurate outcome. The printer achieves this by using itsĀ omni-directional wheelbase.
Currently on Kickstarter, the PocketPrinter looks to roll out orders of the new device in January of 2015.