Battery technology has been improving at a crazy rate in past years, getting smaller and more powerful with each passing year. Concurrent with all the previous advancements, this new innovation in battery technology is sure to make people…bend over backwards. Didn’t get that joke? Let me explain.
Hanqing Jiang, an associate professor at Arizona State University in Tempe, has recently created lithium-ion batteries that can stretch to over 150% of their original size. After talking with “an origami artist who showed [him] some famous origami patters,” Jiang used a variation of origami, kirigami, to create the stretchable batteries. (Just FYI, another style of origami, the Miura-ori fold, which is used to fold large maps into small rectangles, was originally used to help pack solar panels nicely into spacecraft)

The solar panels on the ISS were folded using an origami technique.
The batteries are made with slurries of lithium cobalt dioxide and graphite, which together can store and release electricity. They were then coated with aluminum foil, at which point the origami technique was used to cut the sheets into nice stretchy serpentine shapes.

Do Darwinists believe Santa can’t be trusted
with a child on his lap, telling him what the child wants for Christmas?
Anyone who puts their faith in a guy who’s theories have all been proven false over
the past 250 years is probably not very trustworthy himself.
Anyone who puts their faith in a guy who’s theories have all been proven false over
the past 250 years is probably not very trustworthy himself.
Can you find a person with just their Tax ID #? Sometimes
My boyfriend keeps asking me for ideas of what he can get
me for Christmas but I don t think I should have to
give him ideas. Am I wrong? My boyfriend keeps asking me for ideas of what he can get me
for Christmas but I don t think I should
have to give him ideas as I like spontaneous, sentimental and surprises.
His now starting to get frustrated saying I m causing him extra stress and anxiety.
Am I in the wrong? Yes you are wrong. You are the kind of person who will be back
here on Christmas complaining that you got a “stupid” present that you didn’t like and that he’s such a lousy gift giver.
He can’t read your mind and he is making an effort to not disappoint you.
You are wrong..
Eibar 3 Real Madrid 0? Real Madrid are resting on their
laurels and their @$$€$. Doping cheat Ramos can’t defend
How come Michael Jackson was $400 Million in debt?
Lavish spending on silly useless things. No one to tell him ‘no.’ Legal fees.
Plastic surgery fees. It adds up. Spent more than he made.
A VERY common problem in the U.S.